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Remember Me

Rev. Brian Hofman


Prelude: Mandy Viet
* Call to Worship
* Song of Worship
“Lord, Our Lord, Your Glorious Name”
* God’s Greeting
* We Greet Each Other
Prayer of Confession
Most merciful God, whose Son, Jesus Christ, was tempted in every way yet did not sin, we confess before you our own sinfulness: we have hungered after that which does not satisfy; we have compromised with evil; we have doubted your power to protect us. Forgive our lack of faith; have mercy on our weakness. Restore in us such trust and love that we may walk in your ways and delight in doing your will, through Jesus, our Savior. Amen.
Assurance of Pardon
Call to Discipleship
* Song of Praise
“Now with Joyful Exultation”
Congregational Prayer
“Abide with Me”
Prayer of Preparation
Scripture Reading
Genesis 40:1-23
Message: Pastor Brian
“Remember Me”
Response of Faith: Our World Belongs to God 56
We long for that day when our bodies are raised, the Lord wipes away our tears, and we dwell forever in the presence of God. We will take our place in the new creation, where there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, and the Lord will be our light. Come, Lord Jesus, come.
* Song of Response
“Be Thou My Vision”
* Benediction
* Closing Song
“Glory Be to the Father”


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