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Joseph's Fruitful Fresh Start

Rev. Brian Hofman


Prelude: Miriam Hector
* Call to Worship
* Song of Worship
“All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”
* God’s Greeting
* We Greet Each Other
* Prayer of Confession
Holy and merciful God,
in your presence we confess
our sinfulness, our shortcomings,
and our offenses against you.
You alone know how often we have sinned
in wandering from your ways,
in wasting your gifts,
in forgetting your love.
Have mercy on us, O Lord,
for we are ashamed and sorry
for all we have done to displease you.
Forgive our sins,
and help us to live in your light
and walk in your ways,
for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.
Assurance of Pardon
Call to Discipleship
* Song of Praise
“The First Place”
Congregational Prayer
“See a Victory”
Prayer of Preparation
Scripture Reading
Genesis 41:1-57
Message: Pastor Brian
“Joseph’s Fruitful Fresh Start”
Response of Faith: Heidelberg Catechism 27
Q. What do you understand by the providence of God?
A. The almighty and ever present power of God by which God upholds, as with his hand, heaven and earth and all creatures, and so rules them that leaf and blade, rain and drought, fruitful and lean years, food and drink, health and sickness, prosperity and poverty―all things, in fact, come to us not by chance but by his fatherly hand.
* Song of Response
“Blessed Be Your Name”
* Benediction
* Closing Song
“See a Victory”

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