
This Week at Calvin

Calvin Christian Reformed Church welcomes all who are looking for a church home. At 9:00 AM, Sunday, there are Education Classes for all ages. Sharon Zomermaand has prepared age-appropriate classes for the children. Tom De Koster will be teaching the youth. The Adult Class led by Troy Hughes is studying a video series by Matt Chandler on John chapters 1 – 3.
A time has been set aside for public worship of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This worship begins at 10:00 AM with the prelude “Awesome God” by Miriam Hector on the piano.
Our new pastor, Rev. Brian Hofman, will begin a series of sermons on the book of Malachi. This week his text is Malachi 2: 1 – 9. Songs led by our praise band All For Him are: “Awesome God”, “Give Us Clean Hands”, “Be the Centre”, “Offering” (during the giving of our tithes and offerings, and in response to the Word “You Shall Love the Lord.” Praise God for all our volunteers as they lend their musical talents to serve Him in worship.
Pastor Brian has implemented a Children’s Sermon welcoming all the children to the front of the sanctuary where he addresses them. Right now, he is explaining the different parts of the worship service with the children.
Coffee, juice and sweet cookies are served during the Fellowship Hour following the service.
This Wednesday, 6:30 PM is women’s Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall.
Services may be seen on YouTube, on our website at calvincrclemars.org, or on CDs available by the mailboxes in the narthex.
Calvin Church looks forward to delivering Meals on Wheels the first two weeks of October. A signup sheet is in the narthex. Let’s all consider this service to our community.
“May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You” by Meredith Wilson.

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