
This Week at Calvin

Sunday, 19th, Calvin CRC celebrates communion. Worship begins at 10 AM at 326 7t St SE, Le Mars.
Please join us as we commemorate Jesus’ death until He comes again.
We have been hearing some stories from our members of God’s work among us. This is always a chance
to praise Him for taking care of us.

Pastor Brian Hofman continues his exciting series of messages from Philippians. This Sunday his text is
from Philippians 3: 15 – 4:3. Special Music this morning will be played by Miriam Hector on the organ
and Scott Wells on the piano accompanying the hymns and playing Carol Wolfswinkel’s favorite song
“The Holy City. The songs of praise will be “Come Thou Fount”, “Holy, Holy, Holy”, and “KO Jesus, I
Have Promised”. For the song of preparation, we will sing “Beneath the Cross of Jesus”. Our Sending
Song will be “The Doxology.”

Save the Date: June 27 – 30 for VBS! Our theme is Monumental: Celebrating God’s Greatness. We
invite all children from the community to join us as attendees and helpers. We will begin at 5:30 PM
with supper and end at 8:00 PM.
Children ages 4 through completed 5 th Grade are encouraged to have their parents sign them up either
at church or calling the church at 546-4767 between the hours of 10 and noon Monday through Friday.
We will Celebrate God’s Greatness through song, Bible stories, crafts, games and group time.
Please be in prayer for our VBS, the volunteers who make it all happen and especially for the kids who
Anyone needing prayer may call the church (546-4767) to be included in a prayer chain of prayer
warriors from Calvin.
Services may be seen on YouTube, on our website at Calvincrclemars.org, or by listening to a CD.

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