
This Week at Calvin

Calvin Christian Reformed Church, 326 7 th St SE, welcomes all those looking for a church home to visit
and join us in worship of our prophesied Christ. This Sunday, the first Sunday of Advent we light the
Prophecy Candle and think about the HOPE that is ours in Christ. The prophets wrote of Christ’s
incarnation long before his birth. As we hear their words, we remember our sin and our need for a
Education classes for all ages are held at 9:00 AM. Worship begins at 10 AM in the sanctuary. Pastor
Brian Hofman will preach through 2 Thessalonians, a short book which focuses us on the looking
forward to Christ’s second coming part of Advent. This Sunday’s text is 2 Thessalonians 1;1-12. Miriam
Hector will provide the prelude. The All For Him praise team leads the singing of “Song of the Prophets”,
“Come Thou Long Expected Jesus”, “Hope Was Born This Night”, and “Soon and Very Soon”. We will be
sent out to serve with “Song of Hope.”
Following the offertory, the children may leave to attend Children’s Worship in the Fellowship with Ms.
Kaitlyn Visscher. This is a new ministry for Calvin. We are so excited to offer this opportunity.
Calvin, with help from friends and neighbors, sent off 103 Boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Please
pray for the children/families that will receive the boxes. Thank you for your participation!
Looking ahead, Calvin will be having a Dramatic Christmas Eve service with readers and actors to help us
understand how the narrative of scripture points to Christ. Traditional candle lighting will conclude the
service. December 24, 5:00 PM. Make plans to also join us on Christmas Morning, 10:00 AM, to
celebrate Christ’s birth.

Secretary hours are 10 – Noon Monday through Friday. Pastor Brian also loves visitors.

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