
This Week at Calvin

Calvin Christian Reformed Church invites you to worship God together, Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Calvin is located at 326 7th St SE, Le Mars, IA. Travel east of Foster Park to the corner of 4th Ave SE.
We welcome Mr. Dan Tracy from Orange City to lead worship. His sermon "The Next Chapter" is based on Hebrews 13: 17 which says "Obey you leaders and submit to their authority." As we welcome our new pastor this next week and pray for our deacons and elders that commit to our leadership, we need to be reminded to be likeminded and support our leaders.
Miriam Hector will lead all into a spirit of worship by playing a prelude on the grand piano. She has chosen "Make Us One, Lord". Other songs will be: "Brethren, We Have Met to Worship", "Lord I Lift Your Name on High", Crown Him With Many Crowns", "Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord", "I Surrender All", and "Yet Not I, But Through Christ in Me".
All offerings and tithes may be left in the wicker basket in the narthex, dropped off at church Monday through Friday 10 - noon, or mailed to the office. This week's Special Offering is designated for Resonate Ministries. This Sunday we will not have Communion, but we remind all to bring supplies for the Christian Needs Center. They are: soup, mac & cheese, juice, canned vegetables - peas, carrots, tomatoes, mixed veggies, box or bag potatoes, shampoo, toothpaste.
Let us bless those that are less fortunate by filling the blue barrel in the narthex for the CNC. Thank you.

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