
This Week at Calvin

Calvin Christian Reformed Church, 326 7th St SE, Le Mars welcomes all who are looking for a church home to worship with our family. Worship begins at 10:00 AM with a prelude by Miriam Hector on the grand piano. The All For Him praise team will lead the singing this week. Songs include "He is Exalted", "Majesty", "What A Beautiful Name", "There's Something About that Name", "Yet Not I But Christ Through Me", "I Know Not What God's Wondrous Grace", and "Everlasting God'. Calvin likes to blend our worship songs with well-known hymns and contemporary praise songs.
Pastor Brian Hofman will begin a new series of sermons from Genesis. In chapter 37 we hear the story of Joseph, Jacob's favorite son and how God's grace prevails over Joseph's life. Joseph was the main character in our VBS Bible Story.
At VBS our offering was intended for the Hope Haven Wheelchair Ministry. It supplies wheelchairs to handicapped people all around the world. Our children raised $561.00 for this project. We had a contest between the boys and the girls to see who could raise the most money. The boys won the contest by $3. So guess who got the pie in the face? You're right! One of the gals so graciously volunteered to be the recipient of the whipped cream pie in the face. A good time was had by all.
Next week, July 17 Calvin celebrates Communion. We also join in contributing to the Christian Needs Center on that week. All contributions go in the blue barrel in the narthex.
Calvin is open Monday through Friday 10 to noon for anyone needing a quiet place for prayer or checking out books and DVD's from the basement library.

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