
This Week at Calvin

Calvin Church, 326 7th St SE, welcomes all who are looking for a church family with whom you can worship, learn, and fellowship. Sunday Worship begins at 10:00 AM. This Sunday Pastor Brian Hofman goes to Mark 12:13-17 for his Lenton message that we are made in God’s image; we belong to God. Songs of praise are: “Jesus Shall Reign,” Call to Confession: “Just As I Am”, “Rejoice the Lord is King”, “We are an Offering”, and “God of Mercy, God of Grace.” During the Offertory we will watch a video from the LifeWise Academy. Miriam Hector’s prelude on the grand piano will be “Better is One Day in Your Courts”.
Sunday School classes for all ages in the Fellowship Hall at 9:00 AM Sunday.
Check out the church library and children’s Busy Bags. There has been a generous donation of children’s books to read and enjoy. Take time to read even if you’re not a child.
Calvin will celebrate Communion this Sunday, March 20th. The Special Offering will be for our missionaries, The Havleceks working for Wycliffe in Mexico. We are planning to lead worship in the nursing homes on March 23 and the 30th. A church potluck will be held March 27th. And a joint service with Ireton CRC to celebrate Good Friday.
Items for the Christian Needs Center are received this week in the blue barrel. Items include canned corn, canned carrots, jelly, ketchup, Ramen noodles, crackers, toilet paper.
The church is open every morning from 10 to noon to pick up books or DVDs, or CDs of the service. Anyone needing prayer may call the church (546-4767) to be included in a prayer chain of prayer warriors from Calvin.
Services may be seen on YouTube, on our website at, or by listening to a CD.

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