
This Week at Calvin

Calvin Christian Reformed Church, 326 7th St SE, Le Mars would like to introduce you to our new pastor, Rev. Brian Hofman. He comes from Waupon, WI originally, and just pastored his first church in Kanawha IA. We welcome him and his wife Tess and their two children. Thank you God for answering our church's prayers to fill our pulpit with this godly man.
Pastor Brian is starting a four week series on the book of Jonah. This week will be Jonah 1: 1-16 when Jonah runs away from God when he is asked to go to Nineveh to tell the people to repent.
Our hymns will be "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing", "Salvation Belongs to Our God", "Good To Me", and "Come To the Savior Now".
Our worship begins at 10 AM and includes God's greeting, confession of our sins, assurance of pardon, prayers for our church, community and world. Offerings and tithes may be placed in the wicker basket in the narthex, sent to the church office or dropped off Monday through Friday 10 through noon. The service will conclude with a benediction and singing of "We Receive Your Blessing".
Women's Bible Studies are set up to start in September. The Afternoon one meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 1:30 and will begin September 1st. All are invited for informal Bible Study that is based on scripture passages all through the Bible. Fellowship and dessert follow. The Evening one meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. They will begin September 8 studying "Growing Through Life's Challenges". If you'd like a book contact Laura Grigsby. They'd love to have you join them.
Grace and peace to you.

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