
This Week at Calvin

Calvin Church, 326 7 th St SE, welcomes all who are looking for a church family with whom you can
worship, learn, and fellowship. Sunday Worship begins at 10:00 AM. This Sunday Pastor Brian Hofman
begins the Lenten Season with messages on Mark 11 and 12. This Sunday his text is Mark 11: 12-25.
Songs of praise are: “First Place,” Call to Confession: “Change My Heart, O God”, “Tell Me the Story Of
Jesus”, “How Firm A Foundation”, and “God Be With You Till We Meet Again.” Tessa Hofman will lead
us in a vocal solo during the Offertory. We thank her for her willingness to share her talent with us.
Sunday School classes for all ages in the Fellowship Hall begin at 9:00.
The Evening Bible study will meet on March 9 at 6:30 PM. Laura Grigsby will lead Lesson 4 in their study
Twelve Women of the Bible. Each lesson is independent of itself. Anyone who would like to join, may
do so at anytime.
Pastor Brian has a great time introducing the children to the morning’s message during the Children’s
Sermon. We praise God for all the little ones joining him up front of the sanctuary listening and
answering questions.
Saturday, March 5 th , at noon Calvin is having a church outing by going to hear the story of Fanny Crosby,
a blind hymn writer, who wrote 8000 hymns. The Browns act out her story and sing many of these
favorite songs.
The church is open every morning from 10 to noon to pick up books or DVDs, or CDs of the service.
Anyone needing prayer may call the church (546-4767) to be included in a prayer chain of prayer
warriors from Calvin.
Services may be seen on YouTube, on our website at, or by listening to a CD.

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