
This Week at Calvin

This Sunday, April 18th, Calvin has a designated offering for the Le Mars Backpack Program. We want to give cheerfully of our time, talents ant treasures to provide for God's growing kingdom. This Sunday is also a time we collect items for the Christian Needs Center. The April needs include pancake mix, pancake syrup, small bags of instant potatoes, small boxes of rice, and bar soap. These items may be placed in the blue barrel in the narthex.
Rev. Matt Wentz will be leading our worship at 10:00 AM. he prelude of "Victory in Jesus" will be played on the grand piano. Angeli Shieh and Miriam Hector will accompany the hymns on the piano and organ. Songs of praise include: "Christ is Risen! Shout Hosanna", "I Stand Amazed", "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High" and "Victory in Jesus". The Call to Confession will be sung with "Change My Heart, O God." The Sending Out Song will be "The Doxology", with a variation for the Postlude.
Our congregation is eagerly anticipating the arrival of two potential pastors to preach on May 2 and May 9. Please be in prayer with us as we seek to find the pastor God has planned for us.
There will be meetings lined up to meet each one with a meal planned at noon on May 2nd to meet the first pastor. This will be a time of food and fellowship.
Sunday School classes for all ages begins at 9:00 AM with coffee and orange juice. The Adult Class has just begun the study of "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn. It is still not too late to join this interesting study of longing for heaven while we are living on earth.
The Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study meets at 1:30 PM. Chapter 11 is titled "Cheer or Encourage." Prayer, Bible study, dessert and fellowship make this a time you don't want to miss.
Calvin is located at 326 7th St SE, Le Mars or on the web at calvincrclemars.org. All visitors are welcomed.

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