
This Week at Calvin

This Friday evening at 7:00 Calvin Church joins Ireton CRC to ponder our Savior's suffering death and observe communion as Jesus did at the Last Supper. All are welcomed to join us at 301 Maple St, Ireton.
Sunday morning, Easter, Calvin is planning a breakfast before the Easter morning service. Please join the church family for egg bake, coffee cake and fellowship at 9:00 AM. You don't have to provide to the menu in order to attend. There is a chair lift to the basement for handicapped accessibility.
At 10:00 we worship in the sanctuary. The tomb is empty, and we celebrate the good news of the resurrection: Christ, who died for our sins, is risen, and we are raised to new life with him.
The prelude of "Were You There/Crown Him with Many Crowns" will be played on the grand piano by Miriam Hector. John and Judy Klocksiem's family will relight the Christ candle while reading 2 Corinthians 5. All will respond with "Low in the Grave He Lay" and "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" with Patrick Visscher on trumpet and Miriam Hector on the organ. Music is so special in the Christian faith. We will continue with "See, What a Morning" and Bob Hughes singing "He's Alive".
Dan Tracy, from Orange City, will read from Mark 16: 1 - 8 the resurrection story. His message is titled "He is Risen...Why?" The congregation will respond with the hymn "Christ is Alive! Let Christians Sing". Following the benediction "He is Lord" will send all into the world with joy that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Calvin Church is located at 326 7th St SE or on the web at All visitors are welcomed!

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