
This Week at Calvin

Calvin Church marks the fifth week of Lent. Troy and Elisa Hughes will read scripture and light the fourth purple candle as the call to worship. The congregation responds with a refrain of "Lord Jesus, as we walk with you through these forty days, let your light shine into our hearts and may we carry your light to the world."
We welcome Rev. Gerry Nyenhuis to our pulpit. He has chosen 1 Samuel 3: 1 - 10 for his message "Speak Lord, for Your Servants are Listening."
Miriam Hector will prepare all for worship with a prelude on the grand piano entitled "The Lamb" (medley of Behold the Lamb, Lamb of God and Jesus Paid It All). Angeli Shieh will join her in accompanying the hymns on piano and Miriam on organ. They include: "There is a Redeemer" and "And Can It Be". The Prayer of Confession is Psalm 51: 1 -2 sung to "God, Be Merciful to Me". "Break Now the Bread of Life" is sung in preparation for the reading of the Word.
This week we celebrate Communion. Calvin's policy is "All who have been baptized, are truly sorry of their sins, who sincerely believe in the Lord Jesus as their Savior,, and who desire to live in obedience to Him are invited to come with gladness to the table of our Lord." During the distribution all will sing "Beneath the Cross." Following the benediction, "There is Power in the Blood" will concluded the service.
As is custom for Calvin on Communion Sundays, we encourage members to donate to the Christian Needs Center. This month's needs are: canned tuna/chicken, canned peas or carrots, canned tomatoes, juice, toilet paper. Our Special Offering is for Cornerstone Prison Ministries in Sioux Falls.
Palm Sunday will be celebrated on March 28th. An Easter breakfast on April 4th, at 9:00 AM, will include egg casseroles, coffee cakes and muffins. Anyone may signup to join us. Calvin is located at 326 7th St SE, or Facebook. We welcome all visitors.

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