
This Week at Calvin

Calvin Church reflects on our journey toward the cross, hear Scripture, and light a purple candle during the 6 Sundays of Lent. On this second Sunday of Lent Dr. Tom and Ina Bjorge are recording the reading and Scripture.
Mr. Merlyn Sandbulte, a lay preacher from Rock Valley will lead worship. His text is John 6: 66-69. The sermon is titled "To Whom Shall We Go?"
The prelude will be a medley of "Wondrous Love" and "The Love of God". All For Him will accompany the singing of "We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise", "Just As I Am" (call to confession) "Wonderful, Merciful Savior", "Goodness of God". We will respond to the sermon with "Will You Come and Follow Me?" and leave with "The Blessing."
Adult Sunday School is beginning a new study by Ray Vander Laan titled "Bringing Biblical Truth to a Broken Culture. We are meeting in the nursery for this study. Hope to see you there.
Women's Afternoon Bible Study meets Wednesday at 1:30 PM studying "Blind or Blindness." Lyn Bulthuis leads us in our prayer, Bible Study and singing of a hymn. Miriam Hector is serving dessert and coffee. All are welcome to join.
Calvin will be delivering meals on wheels the first two weeks in March. We are responsible for two routes. If you can help or drive, we would love to have your volunteer and sign up in the narthex.
Calvin is located at 326 7th ST SE or on the web at calvincrclemars.org. Services are livestreamed or recorded on CDs. The church office is open Monday through Friday 10 - Noon to drop off offerings, pick up CDs, or spend time alone in the sanctuary for prayer.
Brighten the darkness in our lives, that we may carry your light to the world.

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